What I Used… And Still Do… to Write and Publish my First Book on Amazon KDP!

I love writing! If you’re like me, you will love reading before you ever realize how much you love writing. But I love writing! I want to make enough money so I can quit my day job*, and just write and write and write!!! * I have done everything… from movie extra to janitor… truck driving to landscaping to construction (ahh, nothing like digging ditches in the rain! Ohh that sciatica pain! :(Ouch!)… you name […]

Welcome to My World of Fantasy!

Welcome to My World of Fantasy! Hello, I’m Troy Boylan, and you can call me TBoan! Welcome to my author website! I am thrilled to announce the release of my newest book, a collection of fantasy short stories that I’ve been passionately working on for the past few years. Writing these stories has been a journey of imagination and creativity, and I am incredibly excited to share them with you. About My Book TBoan’s Tales […]

Why Should You Write?

Why should you write? Because you can! Pure and simple. And when I say you can.. I mean you can. Think about it. You took an English class every semester of every public school year for TWO DECADES!! YOU ARE A WRITER! Now all you need is the courage to let your thoughts be known… and let me make it easier for you now… to the paying public! :^) You’ve everything to gain by writing… […]